How To Disappear From Social Media

An excellent method to reestablish contact with the people and pursuits that truly inspire you is to take a break from social media. Determine your motivation for disappearing before you log off. Determine the length of the break, and the social networks you’ll temporarily stop using, and create a plan for limiting your use of social media.

Social media is the best place to grow so if you want to grow your business you can help from Subscriberz. Turn off social media notifications or remove the applications entirely to help you keep your break. Instead of spending that time on social media, spend it reading, exercising, and spending time with your friends and family.

How To Disappear From Social Media?

Social media is a great way to connect with people, but it also has its drawbacks. If you’re not careful, social media can be addicting, and you may find yourself spending too much time on it. Here are some tips for quitting social media:

1. Deactivate Accounts

You’ll need to delete your social media accounts if you want to vanish from the internet. You must navigate to Account Settings -> Security -> Deactivate your Account in order to delete your Facebook account. You must go to Account Settings -> Deactivate my Account in order to deactivate your Twitter account. See the guidelines below for how to delete your Google+ and LinkedIn accounts from the internet.

2. Investigate 

On sites like MySpace or Bebo, you can have an account that you had no idea even existed. If so, you might not locate it unless you conduct an online search using your name. You can use a number of other search engines besides Google to accomplish this.

3. Create fictitious accounts for accounts you can’t delete

Always keep in mind that some internet accounts can only be temporarily disabled; for these accounts, be inventive and use bogus information. You will need to be resourceful and use a different name, place of birth, and photo if you really don’t want to be identified online. Don’t do this by assuming someone else’s identity.

4. Take Search Engine Results Off

Google has a URL extractor that can assist you to remove results that return information about you so that any URLs that connect to any profiles you don’t want people to be able to access fully disappear.

5. Connect with webmasters

There will be certain sites that you won’t be able to delete yourself since you have no influence over them; in those cases, you will need to get in touch with the site’s webmaster to get your information removed. You might be in for a fight because some webmasters think that material that is publicly available should stay that way, but don’t back down; you have the right to have information about yourself taken down from the internet.

6. Be Prepared to Go Off the Rails

You will need to take extreme precautions if you are serious about getting rid of all traces of yourself online. There are businesses that collect data online and sell it to other businesses. Although Intelius, Spokeo, and PeopleFinders are often used data clearinghouses to delete all internet information about a person, you must be ready to deal with the following.

Final Words

If you’re obsessed with social media and really want to quit, you’ll need to set boundaries, implement systems, and get help. Remember that it will be difficult in the beginning, but after a month or two it will get easier. It’s all about setting goals and being patient with yourself. Before long your Facebook friends will be posting photos of their kids instead of every first bite of their lunch. 

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